R A Y N E S 40

R A Y N E S 4 0
Lifetime Of Reflection

This last year has been a challenging one for all of us as we navigate our journey to a post pandemic world. As some of you know I’ve also had some health challenges as well which has I suppose heightened my own sense of mortality. It’s made me very reflective of the past and also what lies ahead in the coming years.

When I arrived in Canada in 1982, I was a newly minted silversmith from Birmingham, England. I had left my country of origin at 21 for opportunity, as the British economy was failing badly in the late 70’s and Toronto seemed a vibrant alternative. I had actually been offered 6 positions during a 3 week trip the year before, which inspired me to make the leap of faith.

The greatest difference I noticed from England at that time. was that Canada was a meritocracy. And it wasn’t long before I was being invited by the President of the company to meet clients directly and also be the resident expert on silver promotions at Henry Birks & Son Ltd. This came about given my knowledge of English silver and their hallmarks, but realize now how fortunate I was at 23 to be given this responsibility to learn the marketing and good business practices which would help me with my own business.

Over the past 40 years I’ve has some amazing business related experiences, such as meeting Dr. Nelson Mandella, Muhammad Ali and Roger Federer among many other leaders in their chosen fields. But they pale in comparison to the wonderful relationships I’ve made with clients who have now become great friends. That has been my gift I feel, to be allowed to grow artistically while maintaining ones core values.

Life is precious and I’m just very thankful for the artistic journey Canada has allowed me as an artist. I hope you enjoy viewing some of my work from the past 40 years…and thought I’d get a head start now as 2022 is just around the corner!

Mark Raynes Roberts